Ennui || Elation

A gathering of the weirdest thoughts and the wildest ideas...




Saturday, August 19, 2006
Incoherent Monologue

'Tis 11:11 pm GMT +8:00, August 19. I'm feeling not so well for the past 6 hours (maybe due to lack of sleep). I was supposed to go out with some LB friends and spend the night in a nice resort at Calamba. Unfortunately, I was not able to join them. Thus, to my friends, I apologize. I promise, I'll be there the next time.


I am oversleeping. I am getting more than my fair share of sleep for 4 days now and it is affecting my productivity. I made a mental note yesterday that I'll use this Saturday's afternoon to work with my Seminar for CMSC 199. Instead of really working, I slept. I woke up at around 5 pm with a tremendous headache. It sucks.


To the person who I recently met and got fond of in such a short period of time, thanks for everything. It's really weird for me to thank you through this blog since I am sure you are not spending your precious time reading Senselessness but I don't know any other way to do so. It's not really goodbye for the two of us but given that we will not be able to share thoughts for an indefinite period, I am having this "see you later" mood. You taught me a lot about the realities of this cruel world. You showed me a different perspective. You made me realize that I have capabilities as a person that I am not aware of. You exhibited knowledge wisdom that I do not normally encounter inside the intelligence-saturated world I am living in. You are wisdom by example, maturity in reality. I'll miss those talks we had in between classes and those secrets we shared during coffee time. I hope you'd still have the same warmth the next time I ask you for coffee, in a time when we are both free. ^_^

[ To Tita Judy who is the first to read and comment on this part: Yes, Tita. the person is a lady..as always.. :p ]


My SP presentation is due on Sept. 8 and my seminar is on Sept. 15. I have not started on any of the two and I feel like I want to file a Leave of Absence this semester. I did preliminary research for my seminar but I have not written a single word for it. My SP adviser just gave me a different topic last Thursday so I am technically back at square one. I feel that I am too lax and I need professional help...NOW!


I am writing this blog entry for 30 minutes now. Imagine that! 30 minutes. I could have created a slide or two for my seminar or read an article for my SP. I am too good a time manager.


Coffee is slowly regaining its original slot in my system. I stopped drinking coffee for 3 weeks because I got a tremendous stomach disorder which I attribute to my excessive caffeine intake. But last weekend, my tita gave the house a new coffee maker with a pack of Lipa Coffee. And last Wednesday, I discovered that the Robinson's town mall here at LB is selling different types of coffee beans. I bought a quarter kilo of Arabica brew yesterday. Now, I have a new coffee maker and a couple of coffee brews and I drank 7 cups of coffee for the past 24 hours. I am planning to buy two more types of beans and a liter of milk (so i can make froth) tomorrow. Addiction at its finest.


I am having too much sleep and too much coffee at the same time. Do you see the logic behind that? I don't...

I just finished another cup of coffee and I am going to sleep now...

posted by roj 9:07 AM   2 comments
  • At 6:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ei hi! you know what, i really enjoy reading your blog entries. i'm able to know the "rogene" inside you, because whenever i see you around campus you seem to smile to all people and i think you don't worry about anything("happy-go-lucky guy")..hehe. you are really a good writer, i should say. anyways, continue writing your thoughts so that i can read them(enjoy kasi talaga, "enjoy?" parang di yata bagay yung term. sige i'll find a better term to describe how i feel kapag binabasa ko blogs mo)..hehe..

    about you're SP and seminar topics, you can do it! manage your time and wag masyadong mag-coffee(too much is sometimes not good! wala lang..) buti n lang sinabi mo yung dates ng presentation mo(maka-attend nga!).

  • At 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow, may comment!haha..

    Thanks for dropping by, Aby. Yeah, I usually wear my happy-go-lucky side but at times, "problems" do get the better of me. After all, it's really hard not to worry when the majority of the people around you are in "panic mode"..hehehe.. I'll keep on posting stuff here so you can continue to read. You are welcome to attend my seminar and SP presentation. I'll expect you to be there! Ciao! ^_^

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Friday, August 11, 2006
Of Time
Time... You can view it in many different angles. One can argue that Time is a very limited item. A person's Time is bound by his or her life span. How many years does a man has to live here in this cruel Earth? 60, 70, 80 years? Limited...

But a person can say that Time an infinite commodity. If you count the numbers of seconds the world has spend in existence, it'll seem like Time is indeed infinite and boundless. Yes, Time always runs out but is never gone. Time goes on and on forever (even forever is a function of Time).

Some can even say that Time is not a universal element. It can exist somewhere but may not exist everywhere. Some argue that Time is relative to the velocity of an object. Some say that God Himself is not bound by Time, and Time does not exist in His kingdom.

Honestly, I am not really sure with my conceptualization of Time. I somehow believe that Time is just a concept formulated by Man in order to give a certain order to his world. It's just something we invented out of our innate desire to measure, govern, and give order to our environment. Well, maybe it's just me and my idiosyncratic ideas.

And so, while I am writing this entry, I began to reflect on how I use Time. Yes, I believe that Time is something man-made (and in effect, we can opt not to be governed by it) but I am still choose to be influenced by it - just to be able to move in accordance to how the rest of my environment. So, I came up with the following list of things I do and how many hours (per day) I spend with each:

  • Going to school - 6 hrs (per day, average)
  • Sleeping - 8 hrs
  • Eating - 2 hrs
  • Watching TV - 1 hr
  • Using the computer - 5 hrs
  • Having coffee - 1 hrs
  • Hanging out - 4 hrs
  • Misc. recreation - 2 hrs
  • Chatting (y!m, in person, etc) - 10 hrs
  • Personal Grooming - 1.5 hrs
  • Day Dreaming - 8 hrs
  • Working with my SP - insignificantly low
  • Household Chores - 1.5 hrs
  • Researching/ Academic Affairs - 1 hr
  • Texting/ Using the cellphone - 3hrs
  • Writing (blogs, papers, testimonials, etc) - 1 hr
*Note: The total number of hours exceeds 24. This is because I do some "Multitasking" - I do two or more things at the same time (e.g. studying and chatting, going to classes, texting, and day dreaming, eating and sleeping)

Well, there you have it - a good view on how I spend my every day. I do adjust my Time allotment every once in a while to accomodate some things that I consider worth the Time. You see, you have the freedom to spend yout Time the way you want (some may argue with tis but I still believe that one can have the freedom to choose if he/she just puts his/her heart into it :D). So, how do you spend yours?

[Hmmm..Now, how can I make significant time for SP? I guess I have to sacrifice something for Equivalent Exchange ... Maybe I should cut the time I spend with household chores...hehehe.. ]
posted by roj 6:55 PM   0 comments
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
Of Blogspot and Ennui || Elation
Hello world! This serves as my first entry here at my newly-created blogspot blog . I am not really new in the world of blogging since I have been maintaining a blog account entitled Insomnia Unlimited at Friendster. So, what made me decide to migrate here? I figured it's high-time to get a more decent blog server that offers more freedom. Friendster is not really the ideal blog server. Let's just say that it's a career move. :P

I am not totally terminating Insomnia Unlimited, though. I am still thinking if I'd retain it as it is or do something else with it. Oh well, que cera cera...

"Ennui || Elation" is the'tentative' title of this blog. Ennui mean extreme boredom and Elation means great excitment. I chose this title simply because I believe any one's life falls somewhere between these two ideas. Everything that'll be written here will be bound by these two extremes. Weird? Yeah, I know..hehehe..

So, That'll be all for this first entry. Now, I have to work with this thing's layout and stuff...Over, and out!
posted by roj 10:41 PM   0 comments
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Incoherent Monologue
Of Time
Of Blogspot and Ennui || Elation

July 2006
August 2006


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